

Description of all functions in libllfat.


This page describes all functions in libllfat. For a basic usage guide, see fat_lib(3); an overall description of the filesystem is in fat(5) and of the library is in libllfat.txt.

All programs are required to have #define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64 before any include.

The functions of the library are divided by header file in the source:


functions for dealing with units, which are sectors and clusters, and their caches


global parameters of the filesystem, such as whether it is a FAT12, FAT16 or FAT32


the file allocation table, which tells the successor of each cluster, and whether a cluster is unused or bad


a pair directory,index is a file or directory; this header file contains the function for reading and changing a file


functions for scanning a directory and looking up a file


a cluster reference is a pointer to a cluster


the converse of cluster references


operations that requires a long time and cannot be stopped without leaving the filesystem in an inconsistent state


long filenames


A unit is a block of data in the filesystem: a sector or a cluster (including the root directory, which may be larger than a regular cluster). This library represents a unit by a structure:

typedef struct {
	int fd;			/* filesystem this unit belongs to */
	int32_t n;		/* index of sector/cluster */
	int size;			/* size of this unit, in bytes */
	uint64_t origin;	/* position of unit 0, in bytes */
	unsigned char *data; /* the data */
	int error;		/* error: read(1), write(2), seek(4) */
	int dirty;		/* cached unit differs from file */
	int refer;		/* usage counter; no-remove if > 0 */
	void *user;		/* free for program use */
} unit;

Every unit contains enough data to identify its position on the filesystem: its file descriptor, number, size and origin. The origin is the position in the filesystem of the unit n=0; therefore, the position of cluster 1 is origin+size, the position of cluster 2 is origin+2*size, etc. This origin is purely virtual, since unit 0 may not exist (this is the case for clusters).

The following three functions work on an individual unit:
unit *fatunitcreate(int

create a unit; this is almost always not done by the application program

unit *fatunitcopy(unit *u)

create a new unit that is a copy of a given one

void fatunitdestroy(unit *u)

destroy a unit

A cache is a set of units. Every filesystem that is opened by the library has a cache of sectors and a cache of clusters, both initially empty. When the library reads a sector or a cluster, it places it in the appropriate cache.

The dirty field tells whether the unit has been modified since the last time it was read or written to the filesystem; by definition, a unit that is inserted in the cache by the program, rather than being read from the filesystem, is dirty.

The refer field is the number of pointers the program has to this unit. It is needed because a section of code must not delete the unit from the cache just because it has finished using it and the dirty field is reset, since some other parts of the program may have a pointer to the same unit. A field that records the number of pointers to this cluster allows avoiding this situation: a unit is not deleted from the cache if refer is greater than zero. The functions in the library that may delete units update this field; this is also the responsibility of the program in all segments of code that may delete units; this field is not updated automatically.

The following functions give access to a cache:
unit *fatunitget(unit **
cache, uint64_t origin, int size, long n, int

get unit n from the cache; if the unit is not in cache, it is loaded from the filesystem using the other arguments to locate it; return NULL if loading fails

int fatunitinsert(unit **cache, unit *u, int replace)

insert a unit in cache; the third argument tells what to do if the cache already contains the unit: if replace=1, the old unit is removed from the cache and deallocated; otherwise, return -1 and the new unit is not inserted; this function also sets u->dirty on the premise that a unit that is inserted in cache is likely not the same as in the filesystem; the program can still reset u->dirty=0 after insertion

int fatunitdetach(unit **cache, long n)

detach the unit number n from the cache; the unit is not destroyed, so it can be later inserted in the same or in some other cache, or written back to the filesystem

void fatunitmove(unit **cache, unit *u, int dest)

the unit becomes that of number dest; this cannot be done by simply setting u->n=dest since u->n is the key to the cache; this function detaches the unit from the cache, change the key and insert it back; the last operation sets u->dirty

void fatunitswap(unit **cache, unit *u, unit *w)

this is like a move, but u becomes the new unit w->n and vice versa

int fatunitwriteback(unit *u)

writes the unit back to the filesystem, if u->dirty=1; this operation only takes a unit because all parameters needed for writing are in the unit itself; it is however in this list because it is in a way the converse to fatunitget()

void fatunitflush(unit *cache)

write back all units in cache

int fatunitdelete(unit **cache, long n)

delete a unit from the cache; this is like detaching and then destroying

The content of a unit is in u->data. However, it is better accessed via the following functions.
unsigned char *fatunitgetdata(unit *

obtain u->data; if u->data is deallocated to save space, load it back

_unit8int(unit, offset)
unit, offset)
unit, offset)
unit, offset)
unit, offset)
unit, offset)

data at a given offset of unit->data is interpreted as int8_t, int16_t, etc.; these macro reload unit->data if it was deallocated; endianess has to be keep into account; for example:

x = le16toh(_unit16int(u, 23));
_unit16int(u, 24) = htole16(y);
return le16toh(_unit16int(u, 40));

A unit no longer needed can be deleted from cache to save memory. An alterntive is to deallocate only its content u->data, leaving the rest of the structure in cache. This may be a problem if reloading turns impossible due to an IO error, however.

void fatunitfree(unit *u)

deallocate the u->data part of a unit, if u->dirty and u->refer are not zero

void fatunitfreecache(unit *cache)

call fatunitfree(u) for every unit u in cache

The following two functions are for debugging only. The second is of particular interest for checking clusters, since those belonging to files are better flushed and deleted from cache as soon as possible.
void fatunitdump(unit *
u, int hex)
void fatunitdumpcache(char *
which, unit *cache)

print the initial part of a cluster, or of all in cache

A cache does not need to be initialized: just setting it to NULL is enough. The following function is for deallocating it.
void fatunitdeallocate(unit *

delete the cache and all units in there, regardless of whether they are dirty or referred

Simulated IO errors
The library allows simulating an IO error while reading a unit (sector or cluster). Such errors are stored in a global variable that points to an array of structure, each representing the error on a unit.

#define FAT_READ  1
#define FAT_WRITE 2
#define FAT_SEEK  4

typedef struct {
	int fd;		/* file descriptor of the fat for this error */
	int type;		/* error on read, write or seek (def's above) */
	int n;		/* the number of the unit */
	int iscluster;	/* whether the unit is a sector or a cluster */
	int res;		/* -1 for error, >=0 for short read or write */
} fat_simulate_errors_t;
extern fat_simulate_errors_t *fat_simulate_errors;

Each structure in the array fat_simulate_errors represents a unit that cannot be seeked, read or written because of an IO error. Field fd indicates which of the possibly many fat that are open this error is on. Field type is either FAT_READ, FAT_WRITE or FAT_SEEK or their disjunction; it tells which operations on the unit results in an error. Field n is the number of sector of cluster that produces the error. Field iscluster is 0 for a sector and 1 for a cluster. Field res is -1 for simulating the error on seek/read/write; is a number greater than zero for a short read or write.

For example, {6, FAT_READ, 23, 1, -1} means that when trying to read (FAT_READ) the cluster (1) number 23 from the fat of file descriptor 5 results in an IO error (-1). In other words, the library behaves as if the read(2) operation that attempts to read the cluster returns -1.

While the array of structures can be filled by the program itself, the library provides functions for reading it from a file:
void fatsimulateinit()

initialize fat_simulate_errors to an empty array

int fatsimulateread(char *filename, int fd)

read a list of simulated errors for the fat of file descriptor fd from file; if fd=-1, use these errors for all fats

An example file:


The last line has an effect only if fd=-1. The possibility of using the same IO errors for all fats does not make sense by itself: it only exists for allowing the simulation on an IO error on reading the boot sector. Since this sector is read by fatopen(), the simulated error cannot be inserted before the call because at that point the file descriptor is not yet known.


This header contains the fat structure and the functions for accessing its global data, such as the number of sectors, the size of clusters, etc.

typedef struct {
	int fd;
	int bits;
	int nfat;				/* fat to use */
	unit *boot;			/* boot sector */
	unit *info; 			/* fs info sector (fat32) */
	unit *sectors;			/* cache for sectors */
	unit *clusters;		/* cache for clusters */
	int32_t last;			/* last found free cluster */
						/* README: Note 2 */
	int32_t free;			/* number of free clusters */
						/* README: Note 3 */
	void *user;			/* free for program use */
} fat;

Field fd is the file descriptor of the file/device where this filesystem comes from; it is initalized to -1, and only required when saving the filesystem; it is also used as an identifier for the filesystem used for simulated errors.

Field bits tells whether the filesystem is a FAT12, FAT16 or FAT32. It is calculated from the boot sector of the filesystem the first time this number is needed, for example when calling fatbits(fat*). Resetting to -1 force its recalculation.

Field nfat is the file allocation table (FAT) to use for all operations. Apart from the two functions that access raw data in these tables, fatgetfat() and fatsetfat(), all others use f->nfat to decide whether to access the first or the second FAT (actually, the library supports all numbers of fats, but in practice these are usually two). To use a specific FAT, a program may save the content of f->nfat, change it, perform the operation and restore the previous value. The default is FAT_ALL, meaning to try all FATs in turn until one can be read when reading, and to save changes to all FATs when writing.

Field boot is a direct pointer to the boot sector. This is sector 0, and is also in the sector cache with refer=1 to avoid deletion, but also has a pointer in this field to skip the search in cache since it is accessed often. Similarly, info is a pointer to the information sector of FAT32. If not present, it contains NULL.

Field sectors is the sector cache. It is accessed using the functions in unit.h, above. Since the boot sector and the information sector also have pointers in the fat structure, the main use of this field is for accessing the file allocation tables (FATs). However, it can also be used to access all other reserved sectors before them. It can also be used for sectors after the file allocation tables, but since these are mostly taken by the clusters, this may create duplications of data and inconsistencies.

Field clusters is the cluster cache. The first cluster is 1 in a FAT12 and FAT32 and 2 in a FAT32 (yet, the origin field in each cluster still refers to the point in the filesystem were the nonexistent cluster 0 would reside). The library provides specific functions for reading or creating a cluster.

Field last is the number of the cluster that was last found free by the library. It corresponds to a field in the information sector of FAT32, for which it is also read and saved from the filesystem. For FAT12 and FAT16, it is initalized by the library when a free cluster if found, and kept updated, but is not then saved on the filesystem. The cluster it refers to may still be free or not; this field only exists for speeding up the search for a free cluster.

FIeld free is the number of free clusters, as known by the library. It is an actual field in the informtion sector in a FAT32, but the library uses it also for FAT12 and FAT16. It is reliable only after the number of free clusters has been recalculated; afterwards, the library keeps it updated.

Field user is a pointer to a structure that programs can use to pass data to the callbacks. No function in the library currently use it.

The following functions operate on a whole fat structure.
fat *fatcreate()

Create an empty filesystem; this is invalid in that it does not contain any of the necessary parameters such as the number of sectors, etc. and the allocations tables.

fat *fatopen(char *filename, off_t offset)

Read a filesystem from file filename, starting at position offset. Return the fat structure if the file can be open and the boot sector can be read, otherwise return NULL. In most cases offset is zero.

int fatcheck(fat *f)

Checks that a filesystem really looks like a FAT12/16/32; return 0 if it does, a number less than zero measuring the number of invalid field in the sector otherwise.

int fatflush(fat *f)

Flush all dirty sectors and clusters to file.

int fatquit(fat *f)

Close the file without flushing the filesystem.

int fatclose(fat *f)

Flush the filesystem to file and close it.

The following functions access the global parameters of a filesystem. These having get or set in the name are for reading data that is directory stored in the filesystem (such as the number of bytes in a sector) the others derive data from them (such as the number of bytes in a cluster, which is the product of the number bytes in a sector and the number of sectors in a cluster).
int fatbits(fat *

The number of bits. This is 12 for a FAT12, 16 for a FAT16 and 32 for a FAT32. This number is obtained from the boot sector the first fat this function is called, and is then stored in f->bits.

int fatsignaturebits(fat *f)

The bits of the fat according to the signature string stored in the boot sector: either "FAT12 ", "FAT16 " or "FAT32 ". This is not the correct way to determine such a number, but may still be of interest.

int fatgetbytespersector(fat *f)

Return the number of bytes in a sector, usually 512.

int fatsetbytespersector(fat *f, int n)

Set the number of bytes in a sector, usually 512.

uint8_t fatgetsectorspercluster(fat *f)

Return the number of sectors in a cluster.

int fatsetsectorspercluster(fat *f, int sectors )

Set the number of sectors in a cluster. This is done when the filesystem is created with a number that is a power of two from 1 to 128. Changing it afterwards corrupts the filesystem.

int fatbytespercluster(fat *f)

The number of bytes in a data cluster. Since cluster 1 may have a different size than the others, using cluster->size instead is better. This function does not have a corresponding "set" function because it is not a parameter of the filesystem, but is the result of multiplying the number of bytes in a sector and the number of sectors in cluster.

int fatgetreservedsectors(fat *f)

The number of sectors (including the boot sector and possibly the information sector) before the first file allocation table. Usually 1 (boot sector only) in FAT16 and FAT16 and often 32 in a FAT32.

int fatsetreservedsectors(fat *f, int sectors)

Set the number of reserved sectors. This is done when the filesystem is created and never changed afterwards, as it almost always causes the data in the filesystem to become inaccessible.

int fatgetnumfats(fat *f)

The number of copies of the file allocation table. Usually 2.

int fatsetnumfats(fat *f, int nfat)

Set the number of copies of the file allocation table, almost always two. This function is only used when creating a new filesystem.

uint32_t fatgetnumsectors(fat *f)

The total number of sectors in the filesystem.

int fatsetnumsectors(fat *f, uint32_t sectors)

Change the number of sectors in the filesystem. Lowering this causes no harm if no data in stored in the sectors that are cut off. This function only changes the size of the filesystem, not the size of the partition/device/image file that contains it.

int fatgetfatsize(fat *f)

The size of each file allocation table, in sectors.

int fatsetfatsize(fat *f, int sectors)

Set the size of each file allocation table, in sectors. Set when formatting a volume and never changed afterwards.

int32_t fatgetrootbegin(fat *f)

The number of the first cluster of the root directory. This is always FAT_ROOT for a FAT12 and FAT16, and is usually but not always FAT_FIRST for a FAT32.

int fatsetrootbegin(fat *f, int32_t num)

Change the number of the first cluster of the root directory. Only works for a FAT32, where it returns 0. Otherwise, this function returns -1 and no change is done.

int fatgetrootentries(fat *f)

The maximal number of files in the root directory for a FAT12 and FAT16. For a FAT32, is 0. This determines the size of the cluster used for storing the root directory, so it cannot be changed without moving all other clusters in the filesystem.

int fatsetrootentries(fat *f, int entries)

Set the size of the root directory in a FAT12 or FAT16 filesystems. Size is specified in entries blocks of 32 bytes, so that this is the number of short-name files that can be stored in the root directory. On a FAT32 filesystem this function sets this size to 0, as it should be.

int32_t fatnumrootsectors(fat *f)

The number of sectors taken by the root directory of a FAT12 or FAT16.

int32_t fatnumdataclusters(fat *f)

The number of clusters, except the root directory cluster of a FAT12 or FAT16.

int32_t fatlastcluster(fat *f)

The last cluster in the filesystem.

int fatisvalidcluster(fat *f, int32_t n)

Determine if n is a valid data cluster, meaning it is between FAT_FIRST (which is defined as 2) and fatlastcluster(f).

int fatgetdirtybits(fat *f)

Get the dirty bits of the volume. They have nothing to do with the dirty field of the units in cache, they indicate certain global conditions of the filesystem:


FAT_UNCLEAN: the filesystem is currently mounted or it has not been properly unmounted; in the first case it should not be operated upon; in the second, it may contain errors because the last writes could have been incomplete; a filesystem check is in order, like with dosfsck(8)


FAT_IOERROR: the last time the filesystem was mounted an IO error occurred (the Linux driver remounts the filesystem read-only in such cases); a filesystem check with a sector-by-sector verification may be in order

This function and the following one access the dirty bits in the boot sector. Their alternative location for FAT16 and FAT32 in the file allocation table can be read by fatgetfatdirtybits().

int fatsetdirtybits(fat *f, int dirty)

Set the dirty bits of the filesystem. The dirty argument is a logical OR of some (possibly none) of the constants FAT_UNCLEAN and FAT_IOERROR described for the previous function. The alternative location for these bits in the file allocation table can set via fatsetfatdirtybits().

int fatgetbackupsector(fat *f)

The number of the sector containing the backup copy of the boot sector. While the boot sector is always 0, the backup is always 6. This field only exists because a value of 0x0000 or 0xFFFF mean that the backup does not exists, in which case this function returns -1.

int fatsetbackupsector(fat *f)

Set the number of the sector that is the backup copy of the boot sector. If such a backup exists its sector number is 6, otherwise it is 0x0000 or 0xFFFF. The function however allows it to be any reserved sector but the boot or information sector.

int fatcopyboottobackup(fat *f)

Copy the boot sector to its backup. A flush may be needed to save it. This function returns -1 if the boot sector has no backup. Also note that this only copies the boot sector, not the information sector or any other following sector.

int fatgetinfopos(fat *f)

The number of the information sector, typically 1.

int fatsetinfopos(fat *f, int pos)

Sets the number of the information sector.

uint8_t fatgetmedia(fat *f)

The media descriptor. The library only uses this in fatcheck(f).

int fatsetmedia(fat *f, uint8_t media)

Set the media descriptor.

int fatgetbootsignature(fat *f)

The boot signature: the two bytes at offset 510 in the boot sector, or the last two bytes if the number of bytes per sectors is less than 512. This function returns 0 or -1 depending on whether such signature is correct or not.

int fatsetbootsignature(fat *f)

Add the signature to the boot sector.

int fatgetinfosignatures(fat *f)

Check whether the information sector (if any) actually contains the necessary signatures.

int fatsetinfosignatures(fat *f)

Add the signatures to the information sector, if any.

int32_t fatgetlastallocatedcluster(fat *f)

The number of the last cluster that was known to be free. This is an advisory field in FAT32, and is not to be relied. The library copies it to f->last on open and writes this field in the filesystem on flushing.

void fatsetlastallocatedcluster(fat *f, int32_t last)

Set the number of the sector last known to be free.

int32_t fatgetfreeclusters(fat *f)

The number of clusters known to be free. This is copied copied in f->free when the filesystem is opened, and wrote back on flush. Again, this is only advisory. The actual function for determining this amount is fatclusternumfree().

void fatsetfreeclusters(fat *f, int32_t last)

Set the number of free clusters as stored in the filesystem.

void fatsummary(fat *f)

Print a summary of the global parameters of the filesystem to stdout. This is useful for debugging.


This header file contains the functions for accessing the file allocation table and its copy. This table contains the successor of each cluster, if any, and the indication of which cluster are free and bad (unusable because of an hardware problem).

the first regular cluster in the filesystem; this is 2, always


FAT12 and FAT16 also have a special cluster 1, always used to contain the whole root directory


a value in the table that indicates that a cluster is free


the value that tells that the cluster has no successor


the cluster is bad; cannot be used because it is faulty


value returned by several functions that search for cluster when none has been found; for example, the functions that search for a free cluster return this value when none exists (because the filesystem is full)

The following functions are for accessing an element in the file allocation table. The first two are for accessing it at the low level, so they can for example be used for the first two elements of the table, which have a special use.
int32_t fatgetfat(fat *
f, int nfat, int32_t n)

Read entry n in the file allocation table nfat.

int fatsetfat(fat *f, int nfat, int32_t n, int32_t next)

Set entry n in the file allocation table nfat to next.

Unless creating or checking the integrity of a filesystem, these functions are not called directly but via fatgetnextcluster() and fatsetnextcluster(). One of the few reasons for using them instead is to access the first two entries of the table, which do not refer to any cluster but are a sort of "header" to the table; the second entry in the table is also an alternative position for the dirty bits of the filesystem.
int fatfixtableheader(fat *
f, int nfat)

Fix the first two entries in the given file allocation table, which are a sort of table "header" since they do not represent any valid cluster.

int fatgetfatdirtybits(fat *f, int nfat)
int fatsetfatdirtybits(fat *
f, int nfat, uint32_t dirty)

The analogous to fatgetdirtybits() and fatsetdirtybits() for accessing the filesystem dirty bits in their alternative location, in the file allocation table rather than the boot sector. The same constants are used (FAT_UNCLEAN and FAT_IOERROR) with the same meaning (technically, the dirty bits are inverted here, but these two functions take care of hiding this).

int fatinittable(fat *f, int nfat)

Initialize the given file allocation table. This means that the first two entries (the table "header") get their correct value, the entry for the first cluster of the root directory gets the value FAT_EOF and all other entries are set to FAT_UNUSED. If the filesystem is FAT32, also the last allocated cluster and the estimate number of free sectors are correctly set.

When called on all FATs, this function almost restores the filesystem on its pristine state. All that is missing is filling the first and only cluster of the root directory (as found with fatgetrootbegin()) with zero entries (done by fatentryzero()) and possibly clean the dirty bits (with fatsetdirtybits()).

The functions normally used for obtaining the successor of a cluster, or whether a cluster is free or bad, are the two following ones.
int32_t fatgetnextcluster(fat *
f, int32_t cluster)

Get the successor of a cluster. This is FAT_EOF on the final cluster of a chain, FAT_UNUSED if the cluster is not part of any chain, and FAT_BAD if the cluster is inaccessible in the hardware. This function always return FAT_EOF if cluster=FAT_ROOT.

If f->nfat is the default value FAT_ALL, this value is obtained from the first file allocation table, and if that fails from the second, etc. Otherwise, get it on the FAT of index f->nfat.

int fatsetnextcluster(fat *f, int32_t cluster, int32_t next)

Set the successor of a cluster.

If f->nfat is the default value FAT_ALL, this is set on all file allocation tables. Otherwise, it is set only on the table f->nfat.

The above are the basic functions for accessing the chains of clusters in the filesystem, used for storing files and directories. The following ones call them, so they still work on f->nfat. Most of these function "wrap" meaning that if they are called with end<begin, the interval is assumed to be what is outside begin and end, not between.
int fatclusterisbetween(int32_t
cluster, int32_t begin, int32_t end)

check whether a cluster is within an interval, extremes included; if end is less than begin, the interval is assumed to wrap, so that this function return when cluster is greater than or equal to begin or less than or equal to end

int32_t fatclusterintervalnext(fat *f, int32_t c,int32_t begin ,int32_t
end )

Increase c by one, wrapping it so that it is always between begin and end, and also between FAT_FIRST and fatlastcluster(f), extremes included. For example, if c=6 and end=6, it returns begin.

int32_t fatclusterintervalprev(fat *f, int32_t c, int32_t begin,

Same, but decreases c instead of increasing.

int32_t fatclusternumfree(fat *f)

The number of free clusters in the filesystem. This number is also saved in f->free, and possibly saved if the filesystem is a FAT32. int32_t fatclusternumfreebetween(fat *f, int32_t begin, int32_t end) The number of free clusters between begin and end, inclusive. This interval wraps (see above).

int32_t fatclusterfindfree(fat *f)

Find a free cluster, or FAT_ERR if non exists. Seach start from f->last.

int32_t fatclusterfindfreebetween(fat *f,int32_t begin ,int32_t end
int32_t start )

Same, but within an interval and starting the search for a given cluster.

int fatclusterareaisbad(fat *f, int32_t begin, int32_t end)

Check if some cluster between begin and end, inclusive, is marked as bad.

int fatclusternumbadbetween(fat *f, int32_t begin, int32_t end)

Count how many bad clusters are between begin and end, inclusive.

int32_t fatclustermostfree(fat *f, int size, int allowbad, int

Determine the contigous area of size with most free clusters. If allowbad is 0, areas with bad clusters are excluded at all. The return value is the first cluster of the area, its size in maxfree. This is the same as size only if the area contains no bad cluster.

int32_t fatclusterlongestlinear(fat *f, int32_t start, int *maxlen, int

Find the first of the longest linear subchain of a chain. A segment of a chain is linear if is made of consecuitive clusters, such as 45,46,47,48. Some chains are linear, the other contains only linear parts; in the worst case, the longest linear subchain has length 1. This function searches for the longest among the linear subchain. It returns the number of the first cluster in this subchain; other return parameters are: maxlen is the length of this subchain; maxindex is the index of the first cluster in the original chain. For example, 3,9,90,51,52,4,5,6,21,37,38,39,20 contains two linear subchains of maximal length: 4,5,6 and 37,38,39. The first is returned; in particular, the return value is 4 (first cluster of the chain) while the two return parameters are 6 (this cluster is the third in the chain) and 3 (this subchain is long 3).

int fatclusterfindallocated(fat *f, int32_t begin, int32_t end)

Find an allocated (non-free) cluster in the given interval, extremes included. int fatclusterfindallocatedbetween(fat *f, int32_t begin, int32_t end, int32_t start) Same as above, but start searching for the given cluster.

int fatclusterfreechain(fat *f, int32_t begin)

Free the chain of clusters starting from begin.

The following functions are for creating or reading a cluster from a filesystem. The first is used when the cluster is to be written without the need to first read its previous content; this is the case with clusters that were unused and are now allocated to place some content on them.
int fatclusterposition(fat *
f, int32_t cl, uint64_t *origin, int *size)

Determine the position of a cluster given its number: its origin and its size. The second is needed because cluster FAT_ROOT on a FAT12/FAT16 has a different size than the others FAT_FIRST...fatlastcluster(f).

unit *fatclustercreate(fat *f, int32_t cl)

Create a cluster in cache, presumably to be then written some data and wrote back to the filesystem. This function returns NULL if a cluster of number cl is already in cache, since some other part of the code might have a pointer to the old cluster, and inserting the new one otherwise would create an inconsistency. Depending on the logic of the program, this may suggest an error in the code or just that the next function is to be called.

unit *fatclusterread(fat *f, int32_t cl)

Read a cluster from the filesystem in cache. This is more or less the same as fatunitget(), but reading clusters requires some calculations more than for sectors. Writing does not, so the common function fatunitwriteback() saves the cluster.

int32_t fatsectorposition(fat *f, uint32_t sector)

Find the cluster that contains the given sector. Return the cluster number, possibly FAT_ROOT, or a value less than FAT_ERR if the sector does not belong to any cluster. In particular, if the return value is FAT_ERR - 1 this is a one of the reserved sectors; otherwise, the return value is less than FAT_ERR - 1 and the sector is in the file allocation table number return_value + FAT_ERR - 2.


This header file contains the functions for accessing directory entries. A directory in a FAT12/FAT16/FAT32 filesystem is represented as a sequence of clusters divided into 32-bytes blocks called directory entry. An entry may be empty or represent a file in the directory (this assumes that long file names are not used). The following function access the data associated to this file given the coordinates of a directory entry: its cluster and its index in there.

In simpler words, the library represent each file as pair cluster,index, where the latter is an integer and the former a unit* typically obtained by fatclusterread() but sometimes by fatclustercreate(). Such a pair contains the file name, size, time of last write, etc. It also contain the first cluster of the chain that holds the file content. The pair identifies a 32-byte block that represent a file, the block being called a "directory entry".

The following functions access all this data. In the context of files, the cluster of the pain cluster,index is usually called "directory", since a directory is a chain of cluster that contains such pairs directory,index.
int fatentryexists(unit *
directory, int index)

Return whether the index-th block of 32 bytes within the cluster directory is an actual file. This may not be the case if the file was deleted and not yet overwritten, or the block is full of zeros, which signals that the files in the directory are finished.

int fatentryend(unit *directory, int index)

Return whether the index-th block of 32 bytes within the cluster directory marks the end of the directory, rather than being an actual file.

int fatentryislongpart(unit *directory, int index)

Return whether directory,index is only part of a long filename, rather than being an actual file.

void fatentrygetshortname(unit *directory, int index, char shortname

Store the file name contained in the directory entry directory,index, in the array shortname, which will then contain the name in the usual "BASENAME.EXT" form.

int fatentrysetshortname(unit *directory, int index, char *shortname)

Set shortname to be the name of the file in the directory entry directory,index. No check is done on the name except that it can be converted from the "BASENAME.EXT" form. In other words, this function allows storing an invalid filename in a directory entry. This is avoided by calling fatinvalid() and fatstoragename() before this function. See FILE NAMES, below.

void fatentryprintshortname(unit *directory, int index)

Prints the short name of the file to stdou.

int fatentrycompareshortname(unit *directory, int index, char shortname

Compare the shortname of the file with the array.

int fatentryisdotfile(unit *directory, int index)

Checks whether the file is a dot or a dotdot file; this is just a comparison of the shortname with "." and with ".."

int32_t fatentrygetfirstcluster(unit *directory, int index, int bits)

Find the number of the first cluster of the chain that holds the file content. This is FAT_UNUSED if the file is empty, except for certain directories.

In particular, FAT_UNUSED is zero, and zero as the first cluster of a dotdot file (..) stands for the root directory, whose actual number is fatgetrootbegin(f). Since subdirectories cannot be empty (since they contain at least the dot and dotdot entries), when the first cluster of a directory is 0 it can be assumed to be the root directory.

The last argument is the number of bits of the filesystem (FAT12, FAT16 or FAT32), which can be found by fatbits(f); it is required because of the different way of representing this information.

int fatentrysetfirstcluster(unit *directory, int index, int bits,

Sets the number of the first cluster used to store the file content. Empty files have FAT_UNUSED.

unsigned char fatentrygetattributes(unit *directory, int index)

Return the attributes of the file, a logical OR of some of the following:


Also the macros FAT_ATTR_ALL and FAT_ATTR_LONGNAME are defined.

void fatentrysetattributes(unit *directory, int index, unsigned char

Change the attributes of the file.

int fatentryisdirectory(unit *directory, int index)

Check whether this file is itself a directory. If this is the case, cl = fatentrygetfirstcluster(directory, index) is the number of its first cluster, and reading its files can be done starting on the pair fatclusterread(f, cl),0.

uint32_t fatentrygetsize(unit *directory, int index)

The size of the files, in bytes.

void fatentrysetsize(unit *directory, int index, uint32_t size)

Set the size of the file, in bytes.

int fatentrygetwritetime(unit *directory, int index, struct tm *tm)
int fatentrygetcreatetime(unit *
directory, int index, struct tm *tm)
int fatentrygetreadtime(unit *
directory, int index, struct tm *tm)
int fatentrysetwritetime(unit *
directory, int index, struct tm *tm)
int fatentrysetcreatetime(unit *
directory, int index, struct tm *tm)
int fatentrysetreadtime(unit *
directory, int index, struct tm *tm)
int fatentrysetwritetimenow(unit *
directory, int index)
int fatentrysetcreatetimenow(unit *
directory, int index)
int fatentrysetreadtimenow(unit *
directory, int index)

Get and set the date/time of creation, last read and last write. The "-now" version set the date/time using the current system time. Granularity is two seconds, except that only the date of last read (not the time) is ever stored. The structure struct tm is described in ctime(3).

void fatentrydelete(unit *directory, int index)

Delete this directory entry. This is like deleting the file, except that the clusters with the file content are not deallocated.

void fatentryzero(unit *directory, int index)

Fill the 32-byte block with zero. This is necessary to intialize clusters that appended to directories.

void fatentryprint(unit *directory, int index)

Print some of the data associated to the file to stdout. This is mainly for testing.


This header contains functions that are similar to these in entry.h, but do not involve only a directory entry directory,index but also the rest of the filesystem. For example, the first cluster of a file can be determined from the directory entry only; instead, the number of clusters a file take require following the chain, which can only be done using the file allocation table.
int fatentrynumclusters(fat *
f, unit *directory, int index)

Number of clusters of the file. This is the length of the chain starting at cluster fatentryfirstcluster(directory,index).

int fatnextentry(fat *f, unit **directory, int *index)

If directory,index is a directory entry, this function changes it to point the next directory entry, existing or otherwise. Depending on the value of index, this may involve finding the successor of cluster directory and loading it from the filesystem. If such a next entry exists, 0 is returned. Otherwise, a non-zero value is returned and directory,index are set to point to NULL,0; this may happen because the directory is finished but also because of an error in reading the next cluster.

An example cycle for scanning a directory:

directory = fatclusterread(f, num);
for (index = -1; ! fatnextentry(f, &directory, &index); ) {
	// directory,index is a directory entry;
	// it can be used on any of the function in entry.h

	// for example:
	if (! fatentryexists(directory, index))
	fatentryprint(directory, index);

The following functions look up a file given its short name or complete path. They all have a int32_t dir argument, which is the number of the first cluster of a directory where to search for a file. The functions that have a char *path argument ignore dir if the path begins with ‘/’, and search from the root directory instead. The validity of the short name or path is not checked; this can be done by calling fatinvalidname() or fatinvalidpath(). See FILE NAMES, below.
int fatlookupfile(fat *
f, int32_t dir, const char *shortname, unit
directory, int *index)

Search for a file of name shortname in the directory whose first cluster is dir. If not found, returns -1. Otherwise return 0 and store the directory entry of the file in directory,index. See also FILE NAMES, below.

int32_t fatlookupfirstcluster(fat *f, int32_t dir, const char

This function combines a call to the previous function with fatentrygetfirstcluster(directory,index), a common sequence in code. The return value is FAT_ERR if the file does not exist. See comments in the description of fatentrygetfirstcluster() about FAT_UNUSED. See also FILE NAMES, below.

int fatlookuppath(fat *f, int32_t dir, const char *path, unit
directory, int *index)

Set directory,index to the directory entry of the file specified by the string path. Search is rooted in the directory dir, unless the path begins with ‘/’. If the file is not found, -1 is returned, otherwise 0. See also FILE NAMES, below.

int32_t fatlookuppathfirstcluster(fat *f, int32_t dir, const char

Same as the previous function, but returns the first cluster of the file or FAT_ERR if the file does not exist. See comments in the description of fatentrygetfirstcluster() about FAT_UNUSED. See also FILE NAMES, below.

Some functions search for a free directory entry and create a new file in it. The int32_t dir argument is the first cluster of the directory where to start, and the output parameters directory,index point to the free entry or to the entry of the newly created file.
int fatfindfreeentry(fat *
f, unit **directory, int *index)

Find the next available directory entry after directory,index. If this is impossible, return -1. Otherwise, return 0 with the free entry in directory,index. The search may involve the addition of a new cluster to the directory. Therefore, this function may only fail if the cluster directory is the root on a FAT12 or FAT16, or all clusters are already allocated.

This function is intended not only for creating a single file, but also a sequence of them. To this aim, it increases of directory,index itself; it first move the pair to the next entry and then checks whether the entry is free. As a result, pass index=-1 for creating a single file:

index = -1;
if (! fatfindfreeentry(f, &directory, &index)) {
	// file cannot be created
// create file

Also pass index=-1 when creating the first of a sequence of files, and and do not move directory,index between calls:

for (index = -1;
     ! fatfindfreeentry(f, &directory, &index); ) {
	// create a file in directory,index
	// DO NOT call fatnextentry(f, &directory, &index);

int fatfindfreeentrypath(fat *f, int32_t dir, const char *path, unit
directory, int *index)

Same as the previous function, but instead of starting from the directory entry given as the initial value of the parameters directory,index, search in the directory whose name is path starting from the directory dir. If path begins with ’/’, the root is used as the starting directory. See also FILE NAMES, below.

int fatinvalidname(const char *name)

Check if name is a valid file name. It is if it contains at most one dot, if the part before and after the dot are long at most eight and three, respectively, and whether each single character is valid. Note that lower-case characters are valid, but should be converted into upper case, for example by fatstoragename(). Return -1 if the name is invalid and 0 if valid. Names . and .. are considered special and this function returns 1 on them. See FILE NAMES, below.

int fatinvalidpath(const char *path)

Check whether path is valid. When creating new files, note that "/" and "/ABCD/" are valid paths. Return -1 if the path is not valid, 1 if it ends with either . or .., and 0 otherwise. See FILE NAMES, below.

char *fatstoragename(char *name)

Turn name into upper case and remove any trailing spaces at the end of the basename and of the extension. Programs are expected to accept names with lower case characters and trailing spaces, but to convert them this way when creating a file. The converted string is dynamically allocated: call free(3) when done with it. See FILE NAMES, below.

char *fatstoragepath(const char *path)

Turn a path into the form in which is actually stored in the filesystem. This is the same as calling fatstoragename() on each part of the path. Free the resulting string when done with it. See FILE NAMES, below.

int fatcreatefile(fat *f, int32_t dir, char *path, unit **directory,
int *

Create a file given its full path, starting from the directory whose first cluster is dir if path does not begin with ’/’. The resulting value of the pair directory,index is the directory index of the newly created file. It already has the specified name, size zero and no cluster. All other file data has still to be created: attributes, times and content (if any).

This function does not check whether a file with that name already exists, so it can create duplicate files. It neither verify the validity of the path, either (see FILE NAMES, below). This is supposed to be done by the program:

r = fatgetrootbegin(f);

if (fatinvalidpath(path)) {
	// path invalid
else {
	converted = fatstoragepath(path);
	if (! fatlookuppath(f, r, converted, &directory, &index)) {
		// file exists
		// includes paths like /ABCD/EFGH/
		// where the directory exists
	else if (fatcreatefile(f, r, converted, &directory, &index))
		// file cannot be created
		// operate on file


A cluster reference is the "predecessor" of a cluster in the filesystem. For a cluster in the middle or the end of the chain this is simply the previous cluster; for the first cluster of the chain, it is the directory entry of the file.

This is needed for example for cutting a chain at some cluster num. Marking this cluster as unused is not enough, as its previous cluster still points to it as its successor in the file allocation table. For example, if num=12 and the aim was to free cluster 12, just marking 12 as unused produces the chain:

3 -> 47 -> 12 -> ...	before the cut
3 -> 47 -> 12(UNUSED) 	after deallocating cluster 12

The resulting chain is valid since FAT_UNUSED is considered as an alternative to FAT_EOF to mark the end of the chain, but cluster 12 has not been removed from the chain. Rather than cutting before cluster 12, the result is a cut after it. The correct result is obtained by marking the predecessor of 12 with FAT_EOF:

3 -> 47 -> 12 -> ...		before the cut
3 -> 47(EOF) 12(UNUSED) 	correct way for deallocating cluster 12

To change the link that points to cluster 12, what is needed is not num=12 but rather previous=47 since the cut is obtained by fatsetnextcluster(f, 47, FAT_UNUSED).

While this works when working with a cluster in the middle of a chain, the first cluster of a chain has no predecessor. Yet, it can still be cut out of the chain by fatentrysetfirstcluster(directory, index, FAT_UNUSED), where directory,index is the directory entry of the file that has this chain.

A cluster reference allows disregarding the difference. It is defined as a triple directory,index,previous, so that every cluster that is used in the filesystem has a cluster reference pointing to it: the first cluster of a chain is referred by directory,index,0; the successor of cluster previous is referred by NULL,0,previous. Cutting the target of a reference of out the chain can be done by calling fatreferencesettarget(f, directory, index, previous, FAT_EOF) without the need to distinguish the two cases.

The cluster that is pointed to by a cluster reference directory,index,previous is its target. It can be obtained and modified by the following two functions.
int32_t fatreferencegettarget(fat *
f, unit *directory, int index,

Determine the target of the reference directory,index,previous.

int fatreferencesettarget(fat *f, unit *directory, int index, int32_t
, int32_t new)

Change the target of the reference directory,index,previous.

Actually, a cluster reference may take four forms:

reference to the first cluster of the directory entry directory,index


reference to the successor of previous


reference to the first cluster of the root directory


void reference

The following functions check what a cluster reference is.
int fatreferenceiscluster(unit *
directory, int index, int32_t previous)

The reference is itself a cluster: cluster previous.

int fatreferenceisentry(unit *directory, int index, int32_t previous)

The reference is a directory entry: directory,index

int fatreferenceisdirectory(unit *directory, int index, int32_t

The reference is directory entry directory,index, and this is the directory entry of a directory, that is, it has the FAT_ATTR_DIR attribute.

int fatreferenceisdotfile(unit *directory, int index, int32_t previous)

The reference is the directory entry of a dot file. Not only it is in the form directory,index, but has the FAT_ATTR_DIR attribute and its name is "." or ".."

int fatreferenceisboot(unit *directory, int index, int32_t previous)

The reference points to the first cluster of the root directory: it is in the form NULL,0,-1. Since the position of the root directory is determined from data in the boot sector, the boot sector is considered the reference to the first cluster of the root directory.

int fatreferenceisvoid(unit *directory, int index, int32_t previous)

The reference is void: NULL,0,0.

For testing, a file reference can be print to stdout with the following function.
void fatreferenceprint(unit *
directory, int index, int32_t previous)

Print a representation of the cluster reference to stdout.

The point of using a cluster reference rather than the cluster itself is that a cluster can be moved to another position without changing the content of its chain. While fatunitmove() only copies the content of a cluster to another, the reference to a cluster allows changing the incoming link to the cluster itself. For example, the content of cluster 14 can be moved to cluster 50 without affecting the content of the file it is used for:

24 -> 92 -> \fI14\fP -> 7 -> 32	before
24 -> 92 -> \fI50\fP -> 7 -> 32	after

Given the numbers 14 and 50, the content of cluster 14 can be copied to cluster 50 and cluster 7 be made the successor of 50. The remaining operation is to change the link 92->14 into 92->50; this requires the number of the cluster that precedes 14: the reference to cluster 14.

This reference is also required when 14 is the first cluster of the chain. For this reason, moving a cluster requires a reference to the cluster and the number of the destination. When swapping clusters, two references are needed.
int fatclustermove(fat *
f, unit *directory, int index, int32_t
, int32_t new, int writeback)

Move the cluster that is the target of the reference directory,index,previous to cluster new. If writeback is not zero, the cluster is also wrote back to the filesystem; this is a good idea so that this function can check for IO errors and revert the move in this case.

Moving requires the source cluster to be used and the target to be unused, otherwise the function returns -1 and the operation is not done; moving an unused cluster does not make much sense, and can still be made by fatunitmove(); if the destination is used the clusters can only be swapped. The return value is also -1 if the cluster cannot be moved because it is the cluster of the root directory of FAT12 or FAT16.

The return value is -2 if if the current target cluster cannot be read because of an IO error and -5 if it cannot be moved to the destination because of an IO error (in this case the move is rolled back). The last error is -5 for uniformity with the following function.

int fatclusterswap(fat *f, unit *dfirst, int ifirst, int32_t pfirst,
unit *
dsecond, int isecond, int32_t psecond, int writeback);

Swap the clusters that are the target of the references dfirst,ifirst,pfirst and dsecond,isecond,psecond. The return value is -1 if either cluster are unused or one of them is the cluster of the root directory in a FAT12 or FAT16. If writeback is 1 the cluster are wrote back to the filesystem; this is recommended, so that IO errors can be checked and the swap possibly rolled back.

An IO error results in values -2, -3, -4, -5 depending on which operation failed, and any changes made so far rolled back: -2 means that the first cluster cannot be read, -4 that it cannot be wrote back in place of the second; -3 and -5 mean the same for the second cluster. In all these cases, the link between clusters are restored into their original state.

int fatfollowpath(fat *f, const char *path, char **left, unit
directory, int *index, int32_t *previous)

Move the cluster reference *directory,*index,*previous following path as much as possible (see FILE NAMES, below). The output parameter *left points to the trailing part of path that could not be followed; it points to it terminating ’\0’ if all path has been followed. The last part of a path may be a regular file. Return 0 if the entire path was followed, -1 otherwise.

For example, if the directory /AAA/BBB/CCC/DDD exists but contains no file name EEE, and the functions is called with the cluster reference pointing to the directory entry of /AAA/BBB and the path equal to CCC/DDD/EEE/FFF, at the end the cluster reference points to the directory entry of /AAA/BBB/CCC/DDD and *left to the final part EEE/FFF of path; the return value is -1.

This function aims at factoring out the path walk operation that is common to looking up a path and creating a new file from its path (but is not used for this yet):


lookup succeeds if the entire path matches; in this case, the updated cluster reference points to the directory entry of the file, which is the expected result of a lookup;


file creation requires the file not to exists; therefore, it can be done only if the path could not be followed entirely, but the leftover part does not contain slashes; if this is the case, the updated cluster reference points to the directory where the file is to be created, which is necessary to create the file.

The cluster reference NULL,0,-1 points to the first cluster of the root directory, which is therefore obtained by calling fatreferencegettarget(f, NULL, 0, -1). From this, a program can analyze the directory entries in the root directory, possibly doing the same if one of them is itself also a directory. The same can be done starting from an arbitrary cluster reference to perform some operation on all clusters of a file or the entire content of a directory, recursively. The functions in the following section facilitate this task by following the chains and calling itself recursively, so that the program only needs to pass a function to be execute on every cluster reference.


This function is still declared in reference.h, but is described in its own section because the explanation is long and several other functions are implemented using it. The latter is because a number of operations can be reformulated as "follow the chain from this cluster, possibly with recursion". This is exactly what this function does, running a callback at each step.
typedef int(* refrun)(fat *
f, unit *directory, int index, int32_t
, unit *startdirectory, int startindex, int32_t startprevious,
unit *
dirdirectory, int dirindex, int32_t dirprevious, int direction,
void *

The callback function that is called on every cluster reference. The explanation of the parameters are below.

void fatreferenceexecute(fat *f, unit *directory, int index, int32_t
, refrun act, void *user)

Execute function act on every cluster reference that is reachable starting from directory,index,previous. More details follow.

In the most basic case, fatreferenceexecute() is called on the boot sector, the reference to the first cluster of the root directory. It calls the passed callback function act on this reference, on the reference to the other clusters of the root directory (if any) and then recursively on its files.

If directory,index,previous is a cluster or the directory entry for a file, nothing else is done. The other case is that directory,index,previous is the directory entry of a file that also happens to be a directory. In this case, the content of the directory is to be analyzed. This means that the callback is not only run to the clusters of the chain starting at fatentrygetfirstcluster(directory, index), but also on each directory entry within. The direction parameter is done to distinguish the two case. In particular, act is called:


on the cluster reference and the reference to the following clusters in the chain with direction=0; if this the cluster reference is not the directory entry of a directory, nothing else is to be done


on the cluster reference with direction=1 to signal it is entering the directory


on the cluster reference of each directory entry in the directory with direction=0, and recursively within


again on the cluster reference with direction=-1 to signal leaving the directory


again on the cluster reference and following chain with direction=-2 for the final cleanups to be done after the recursive calls

If all that is needed is to perform some operation on all used clusters of the filesystem, act can return immediately if direction is not zero. Some other operations instead require different actions when entering and leaving a directory, or after that.

The refrun function act receives as parameters:

the cluster reference


the directory entry where the chain containing the cluster start


the previous directory entry belongs to a directory; this is the directory entry of that directory

This allows act to make different operations depending on which file the cluster belongs to and on which directory this file belongs. By these same definition, if the cluster reference is a directory entry, the other two are its directory and the parent directory of it.

The callback also receives a free void *user parameter for data to be shared by the caller and the recursive calls.

The above description refers to the case where the callback returns FAT_REFERENCE_NORMAL, but the callback can affect this behaviour by returning a different value.

Follow the chain of clusters following the given reference, as described above.


Proceed recursively, as described above.


When following a chain of cluster, use the successor as found before calling the callback, rather than after. This is necessary if the callback deletes the cluster.


Analyze also the directory entries that are used for long filenames and deleted files.


After a recursive calls, the cluster containing directory entries are no longer needed, so they can be deallocated to save memory. This is done with this return value.

The above description of fatreferenceexecute() is what happens when the return value is always FAT_REFERENCE_NORMAL, which is defined as FAT_REFERENCE_CHAIN | FAT_REFERENCE_RECUR | FAT_REFERENCE_DELETE. Some steps can be skipped by removing some part of this logical OR. Another useful value is FAT_REFERENCE_COND(r), which conditions the recursive visit to the value of r; this macro is defined as FAT_REFERENCE_CHAIN | FAT_REFERENCE_DELETE | ((r) ? FAT_REFERENCE_RECUR : 0). Finally, FAT_REFERENCE_ABORT is defined as 0, and makes the function end as soon as possible.

A callback may take advantage of the following macros.

Prints the three cluster references. This is intended for testing and debugging, since the sequence of calls to the callback is not always obvious.


This macro requires a variable int32_t cl to be declared in the calling function. It fixes the dot (.) and dotdot (..) files. This is necessary when moving clusters: if the first cluster of the directory DIR is moved, DIR/. and DIR/SUBDIR/.. still incorrectly point to the old cluster. When recursion reaches any of these two, this macro fixes them.


This expression evaluates to true if the reference is to a directory cluster (that is, a cluster that contains directory entries, as opposed to the content of a file). This is the same as the isidir field of the inverse FAT (see below) entry of the cluster.

During the scan of a directory, a directory cluster may not be readable; this happens because of an IO error or the lack of memory for storing the cluster. If this is the case, fatreferenceexecute() stops the scan, runs the callback with direction=-1 and direction=-2, does the same for the parent directory and its ancestors up to the root, and returns -1.

A number of other functions in the library are defined from fatreferenceexecute().
typedef void (* filerun)(fat *
f, char *path, unit *directory, int
, void *user)
void fatfileexecute(fat *
f, unit *directory, int index, int32_t
, filerun act, void *user)

Execute a function on every file. This is like fatreferenceexecute, except that the callback is only run on the directory entries, and it is also passed the path of the file (including its name).

void fatdump(fat *f, unit *directory, int index, int32_t previous, int
, int all)

Print an indented summary of the filesystem starting from the cluster reference directory,index,previous. The dump is recursive if if recur is non-zero. To dump the whole filesystem pass NULL,0,-1 and recur=1. This includes the chain of clusters of each file and directory. If all=1, also the directory entries of the deleted files and long file names parts are printed.

void fatcalls(fat *f, int all)

This function helps testing. It prints the sequence of calls fatreferenceexecute() does to a callback when that returns FAT_REFERENCE_NORMAL. If all=1, also long file names and deleted files are considered.

int32_t fatcountclusters(fat *f, unit *directory, int index, int32_t
, int recur)

Return the number of clusters that can be reached from the passed reference, possibly including recursion.

void fatfixdot(fat *f);

Fix all dot (.) and dotdot (..) files in the filesystem, by making them respectively point to their directory and its parent. This is needed when moving or swapping clusters and using FATEXECUTEFIXDOT does not work because some dot and dotdot files are not reached by recursion, for example because the initial call does not start from the boot sector or the call has been aborted.

int fatcutbadstart(fat *f, unit *directory, int index, uint32_t
int fatcutbad(fat *f
,int verbose )

If a chain contains a cluster marked FAT_BAD, it is cut immediately after it. Return 1 if this action has been taken at least one. In this case, the cluster following that one in the chain are not deallocated (they could not); this can be done by calling fatcleanunused().

Some other functions use fatreferenceexecute() but are described in the following sections because they either use an inverse FAT or are interruptible.


The function fatreferencegettarget() gives the cluster that is the target of the reference. An inverse FAT does the converse: given a cluster, it provides its reference. If the cluster is the first of a chain, this is the directory entry of the file; otherwise, it is the previous cluster.

Programs should avoid the use of an inverse FAT, if they can. First, building an inverse FAT requires scanning the whole filesystem; second, the inverse FAT may take lot of memory, since it is a table with an entry for every cluster, used or not; third, all directory clusters have to stay in memory until the inverse FAT is freed.

Working with references and deriving their targets is better than working on clusters and obtaining their reference via an inverse FAT, but some operations such as defragmenting a filesystem requires it.

typedef struct {
	unit *directory;
	int index;
	int32_t previous;
	int isdir;
} fatinverse;

An inverse FAT is a pointer to an array of such structures, one for each cluster. For example, the predecessor of cluster cl in a chain is rev[cl].previous.

The following functions create, delete, update and print an inverse FAT.
fatinverse *fatinversecreate(fat *
f, int file)

Create and return an inverse FAT for the filesystem f. The resulting memory area is not to be deallocated by free(3) but via the following function. Apart from empty directories, all directory clusters are linked from this table, and will not be deallocated until the inverse FAT is removed. Argument file tells whether the inverse FAT is to be created in memory or in a file that is then mapped to memory via mmap(2); the latter possibility is intended for filesystems too big for their inverse FAT to be in memory plus swap.

int fatinversedelete(fat *f, fatinverse *rev)

Deallocates an inverse FAT. Also update the reference count of the directory clusters and possibly deallocate them as well. If the inverse FAT is stored in a file (rather than in memory), delete that file.

void fatinverseclear(fatinverse *rev, int32_t cluster)

Mark the cluster as unused

int fatinverseisvoid(fatinverse *rev, int32_t cluster)

Check whether the cluster is marked as unused.

int32_t fatinverseset(fat *f, fatinverse *rev, unit *directory, int
, int32_t previous, int isdir)

Update the inverse FAT entry for the cluster that is the target of the cluster reference directory,index,previous.

Creating an inverse FAT requires a recursive scan of the entire filesystem. When the filesystem is modified it should be updated rather than recalculated from scratch. This is to be done whenever the chains of clusters are changed in some way, for example by allocating, moving or deallocating a cluster. The following two functions help in debugging.
void fatinverseprint(fat *
f, fatinverse *rev, int32_t cl)

Print an element of the inverse FAT, for testing and debugging.

int fatinversecheck(fat *f, fatinverse *rev, int file)

Check whether rev is the inverse FAT of f. This is done by recalulating another inverse FAT for the same filesystem and then comparing. As a result, this function is only intended for testing. It checks whether rev has been updated correctly to reflect the changes in the filesystem, but is not suited for a production program. Argument file tells whether the new inverse FAT is to be stored in a file, rather than in memory.

Updating an inverse FAT can also be done at the same time as when changing a cluster chain.
void fatinversesettarget(fat *
f, fatinverse *rev, unit *directory, int
, int32_t previous, int32_t new, int isdir)

This is like fatreferencesettarget(), but also updates the inverse FAT. In most cases, this is the function to call when an inverse FAT has been created. To deallocate cluster cl, call with referecene NULL,0,cl and new=FAT_UNUSED.

int fatinversemove(fat *f, fatinverse *rev, int32_t src, int32_t dst,
int fatinversemovereference(fat *
f, fatinverse *rev, unit *directory,
index, int32_t previous, int isdir, int32_t dst, int writeback)

Move used cluster src to unused cluster dst. In the second variant, the source of the move is given as a cluster reference rather than a cluster number; also whether it is a directory cluster has to be specified: if using fatreferenceexecute(), pass the result of the macro FATEXECUTEISDIR. If such a reference is known and the isdir can be determined this avoids a page fault if the part of the inverse FAT that contains the entry for the cluster is swapped out of memory.

int fatinverseswap(fat *f, fatinverse *rev, int32_t src, int32_t dst,
int fatinverseswapreference(fat *
f, fatinverse *rev, unit *srcdir, int
, int32_t srcprevious, int srcisdir, unit *dstdir, int
, int32_t dstprevious, int dstisdir, int writeback)

Swap the two used clusters src and dst. In the second version, the source and the destination are given as cluster references rather than numbers. This may be convienient for the same reason outlined for moving clusters in the previous paragraph.

The following functions make use of the inverse FAT. Others are in the next section since they deal interruptions.
int fatinversereferencetoentry(fatinverse *
rev, unit **directory, int
index, int32_t *previous)

Move the cluster reference directory,index,previous following back its chain until reaching a directory entry. In other words, it finds the directory entry of a file starting from one of its clusters. Return 0 if succesful, -1 if the directory entry could not be found. If the reference already points to a directory entry, it is not changed.

char *fatinversepath(fatinverse *rev, unit *directory, int index,

Return the complete path of the file containing the given cluster reference. The returned string is dynamically allocated, and should be deallocated with free(3).

int fatinversepreventry(fat *f, fatinverse *rev, unit **directory, int

The converse to fatnextentry(): move from a directory entry to the previous one, possibly loading the previous directory cluster. Return -1 if this is the first entry in the directory.

int fatcleanunused(fat *f)

Mark unused all unused clusters.


Some functions may take a long time because they need to scan the entire filesystem or a large part of it. If they modify the chains of clusters or their content, just stopping them is to be avoided, since the filesystem may be left in an inconsistent state. For examnple, when moving a cluster from a position to another the content may be copied before the link between its previous and next clusters is update.

This header file contains macros to facilitate writing functions of this kind. The principle is that whenever the function reaches a state where it could be stopped easily (for example, because all that is required is to flush the filesystem), it check if it should and do it in this case. For the same reason, an IO error while reading or writing a cluster may make proceeding impossible, so that the best action to take is to stop and save the filesystem, requesting to run a filesystem checker.

Every interruptible function needs a name (an arbitrary string, usually the name of the main function or something similar) to pass to this and the following macro. This one defines some globals that are used in the following.


Before starting the entire operation, this macro is called to stop SIGTERM and SIGINT. This way, a signal does not unconditionally terminate the program; it is not ignored either: the arrival of a signal can be checked by the following macro.


This condition is true if the operation is to be aborted. The functions implementing it should check this at regular intervals when the operation can be safely aborted without making the filesystem inconsistent. The start of a recursive macro or of a refun callback to fatreferenceexecute() may be a good point.

If this macro is true, the operation is supposed to be aborted as soon as possible without laving the filesystem in an inconsistent state. In the case of recursive functions, returning immediately may be the quickest way to ensure integrity. This macro may also need to be checked at the end: if true, some cleanup may need to be done.

The return value identifies the reason for stopping.




FATINTERRUPTIBLENORMAL; do not stop, proceed (0)


FATINTERRUPTIBLEIOERROR; stop because of an IO error (1)


Called to abort the operation, as if a signal arrived; condition is a number greater than zero, with 1 suggested for interruption due to an IO error; this number is what FATINTERRUPTIBLECHECK(name) returns from this point on.


At the end, this macro enables the signals again.

Due to globals, a function using these macros is not reentrant. Also, the previous signal handlers are not stored at the beginning and restored at the end. They are set to their default value at the end, regardless of their previous handlers.

The following functions deal with interruption.
int fatuflush(fat *

Uninterruptible flush. Stopping a flush at any intermediate step almost always leaves the filesystem inconsistent. Therefore, this function simply disable interrupting signal until it ends.

void fatmovearea(fat *f, int32_t srcbegin, int32_t srcend, int32_t
, int32_t dstend)

Move the cluster in the area srcbegin-srcend to the area dstbegin-dstend, without changing the content of any file or directory. Apart from the final flush of the file allocation tables and the directory clusters, it can be stopped at any time, with some of clusters moved and the others still at their place.

void fatcompact(fat *f)

Compact a filesystem by moving used clusters to the empty space at the beginning. This function is actually a stub for the previous one.

int fattruncate(fat *f, int numclusters)

Truncate files or directory at the first cluster that is over numclusters. Does not only remove these clusters, but also every other one that follows them in their chain.

int fatlinearize(fat *f, unit *directory, int index, int32_t previous,
start, int recur, int testonly, int *nchanges)

Move or swap clusters in such a way the chain starting from the reference directory,index,previous becomes linear, that is, its clusters are consecutive (like 54,55,56,57).

Parameter start specifies where the chain should start; the area needs not to be free: used clusters are swapped with the ones of the file. If recur is not zero, the linearization is done recursively. With testonly different than zero, no change is actually performed. If nchanges is not NULL, the number of changes done or required is stored in *nchanges.

Before linearizing a large file or directory, reckoning the effort needed may be useful. This is obtained by calling this function with a non-zero value for testonly and a non-NULL value of nchanges. After the call, if *nchanges is zero the file is already linear; otherwise, it is the number of clusters to be moved or swapped to linearize the it.

If interrupted, this function leaves a consistent filesystem with only part of the chain(s) linearized.

int fatdefragment(fat *f, int testonly, int *nchanges)

Defragment the filesystem. The last two parameters are like in fatlinearize().


A number of functions deal with long filenames. Apart the ones that explicitely scan for long name parts, the others are mostly duplicates of the corresponding functions for short names.
void fatlonginit(struct fatlongscan *
void fatlongend(struct fatlongscan *
int fatlongscan(unit *
directory, int index, struct fatlongscan *scan)

Analyze the directory entry in directory,index, returning a specific value to indicate that the sequence for a file is complete. Looking up a file is easier to do with the other functions below; this one is aimed at situations where directory entries are processed one at time, such as in a callback to fatreferenceexecute().

An example cycle is:

struct fatlongscan scan;

for (index = 0, fatlonginit(&scan);
     (res = fatlongscan(directory, index, &scan)) != FAT_END;
     fatnextentry(f, &directory, &index)) {
	if (res & FAT_SHORT) {
		// the sequence for a file is complete
		// name (long or short) is scan.name
		// other file data is obtained or changed via:
		// fatentrygetfirstcluster(directory, index), etc.
		// if name needed outside of the loop:
 		s = wcsdup(scan.name);

The return value is FAT_END if the directory is finished before a full sequence for a file was found. Otherwise, if the return value contains FAT_SHORT then:


the file name is in scan.longname; it derives from the longname entries if any, otherwise from the shortname; either way, it is a widestring with proper capitalization


the rest of the file data (size, first cluster, time, attributes) is in directory,index, so it can be accessed via the functions in entry.h like fatentrygetfirstcluster(), fatentrysetfirstcluster(), etc.


the pair longdirectory,longindex tells where the sequence for this file begins

If the return value also contains FAT_LONG_ALL, the name derives from a long filename sequence, rather than from the short name.

The struct fatlongscan type is defined as follows. The field scan.len is the size of the allocated string scan.name, and is therefore its length plus one. The field scan.err contains the number of conversion errors, and should normally be zero; otherwise, the filesystem is corrupted. Most programs do not need the first two fields.

struct fatlongscan {
	int n;
	uint8_t checksum;
	unit *longdirectory;
	int longindex;
	wchar_t *name;
	int len;
	int err;

int fatlongnext(fat *f, unit **directory, int *index, unit
longdirectory, int *longindex, wchar_t **name)

Find the next file in a directory, including its longname.

The input value of the parameters directory,index point to the start of a directory or to the previous directory entry; the output value point to the position of the short entry of the next file. It contains most of the file data, which can can be retrived or changed via the entry.h functions. For example, the shortname is obtained via fatentrygetshortname(f, directory, index, shortname). The pair longdirectory,longindex is where the sequence of entries for this file begins.

The name of the file is returned in name, which points to a dynamically allocated wide string. The program is supposed to free it when no longer used.

The return value is FAT_END if the directory is finished before finding any file. Otherwise, is FAT_SHORT if a file is located, and FAT_SHORT | FAT_LONG_ALL if the name comes from a sequence of long file name entries, rather than the short name only.

If the return value includes FAT_LONG_ERR, some errors have been encountered while conerting the long file name to a wide string. This means that the long name is incorrect, possibly because the filesystem is corrupted.

An example cycle:

for (index = 0;
     (res = fatlongnext(f, &directory, &index,
     	&startdirectory, &startindex, &name)) != FAT_END;
     fatnextentry(f, &directory, &index)) {
	// res & FAT_LONG_ALL if name comes from the long name,
	//	otherwise it comes from the shortname
	// res & FAT_LONG_ERR means error in the long name

int fatnextname(fat *f, unit **directory, int *index, wchar_t **name)

Find the next file in a directory, including its longname. The pair directory,index is the position of the short entry where most of the file data are located, and can be retrived or changed via the entry.h functions. The wide string name is the full name of the file.

This function is like fatlongnext(), but discards the longdirectory,longindex return value and returns only 0 or -1 depending on whether a next entry exists or not: errors in converting the long names are silently ignored. If such errors should be detected, use fatlongnext() instead.

An example cycle using this function:

for (index = 0;
     ! fatnextname(f, &directory, &index, &name);
     fatnextentry(f, &directory, &index)) {

Since name points to a dynamically allocated area, it has to be freed when done with it.

The following functions are for looking up a file given its name or full path, and the first cluster of the directory where to start the search. The all use the directory,index, longdirectory,longindex and name as output-only parameters: the directory entry that contains the file data and the one where the long name begins. They do not check the validity of the name or path; this can be done by fatinvalidnamelong() and fatinvalidpathlong(). See FILE NAMES, below.
int fatlookupfilelongboth(fat *
f, int32_t dir, wchar_t *name, unit
directory, int *index, unit **longdirectory, int *longindex)
int fatlookupfilelong(fat *
f, int32_t dir, wchar_t *name, unit
directory, int *index)

Search for a file with the given name (a widestring) in the directory starting at cluster dir. Return 0 if found, -1 otherwise. The directory,index pair is the directory entry that contains the shortname and the other data of the file. The pair longdirectory,longindex is the first entry of the sequence that contains the long name. See also FILE NAMES, below.

int32_t fatlookupfirstclusterlong(fat *f, int32_t dir, wchar_t *name)

Find the number of the first cluster of the file name in the directory starting at cluster dir, or FAT_ERR if it does not exist. See comments in the description of fatentrygetfirstcluster() about FAT_UNUSED. See also FILE NAMES, below.

int fatlookuppathlongboth(fat *f, int32_t dir, wchar_t *path, unit **
, int *index, unit **longdirectory, int *longindex)
int fatlookuppathlong(fat *
f, int32_t dir, wchar_t *path, unit
directory, int *index)

Lookup a file from its full path starting from the directory whose first cluster is dir, or from the root if the path begins with ’/’. Return 0 if found, -1 otherwise. The output-only arguments directory,index are the directory entry containing the file data; longdirectory,longindex is the directory entry where the long name begins. See also FILE NAMES, below.

int32_t fatlookuppathfirstclusterlong(fat *f, int32_t dir, wchar_t

Return the number of the first cluster of a file or FAT_ERR if the file does not exist. Start from the directory whose first cluster is dir unless path begins with ’/’; in the latter case, start from the root. See comments in the description of fatentrygetfirstcluster() about FAT_UNUSED. See also FILE NAMES, below.

A file with a long filename takes more than one directory entry. The following two functions search for a sufficient contiguous space in a directory. In most cases, they are not called directly but by the functions for creating an empty file, below.
int fatfindfreelong(fat *
f, int len, unit **directory, int *index, unit
startdirectory, int *startindex)

Find len consecutive free entries starting from the one following directory,index, appending a cluster to the directory if needed. It may fail on the root directory of a FAT12 or FAT16 or when a new cluster should be created by none is free; in this case, it returns -1. Otherwise, it returns 0 and set startdirectory,startindex to the first free entry and directory,index to the last.

When searching for the first or only sequence of free cluster, pass index=-1. To find the next sequence call this function again with directory,index unchanged since the previous call.

int fatfindfreelongpath(fat *f, int32_t dir, wchar_t *path, int len,
unit **
directory, int *index, unit **startdirectory, int *startindex)

Find len consecutive free entries in the directory path starting from directory dir, or from the root if path begins with ’/’. Return -1 if unsuccessful and 0 otherwise. In the latter case, startdirectory,startindex and directory,index respectively point to the first and last entry of the sequence. Contrary to the previous function, directory,index is an output-only parameter. See also FILE NAMES, below.

The lookup and file creation functions do not check whether the name or path is valid, nor turn them into the form that is actually stored in the filesystem. The following functions have to be explicitely called to do this.
int fatinvalidnamelong(const wchar_t *

Check whether a long file name is valid. Return -1 if the name is not valid, 1 if it is either . or .., and 0 otherwise.

int fatinvalidpathlong(const wchar_t *path)

Check whether a long path name is valid. Return -1 if the path is not valid, 1 if it ends with either . or .., and 0 otherwise.

wchar_t *fatstoragenamelong(const wchar_t *name)

Turn the string into the form that is actually stored as a long file name in the filesystem. This means that leading and trailing spaces are removed, as well as trailing periods. The returned string is dynamically allocated: deallocate with free(3) when done with it.

wchar_t *fatstoragepathlong(const wchar_t *path)

Turn the string into the actual path in the filesystem. This amounts to call fatstoragelong() on every part of the path.

Every file has a short name, and optionally a long name. The specification of the filesystem does not impose any correspondence between the two, but whenever a file has a long name, the short name is usually derived from it in some way. Nevertheless, this library offers a function for creating a file with two arbitrary names, in addition to functions that derive the shortname from the long name.

The file is created empty with default attribute and times, but can then be changed via the fatentryset...(directory, index, ...) functions.

The file creation functions do not check if a file with the given name exists. The program is supposed to do it using the appropriate lookup functions. However, the functions that generate the short name from the long name take care of avoiding duplicates. In other words, what is passed to the functions is not checked, what is generated by them is.

Also, these functions do not check whether a file name or path is valid, nor turn them into the form that is actually stored in the filesystem. The functions fatinvalidnamelong(), fatinvalidpathlong(), fatstoragenamelong() and fatstoragepathlong() have to be explicitely called to do this. See FILE NAMES below for details.
int fatcreatefileshortlong(fat *
f, int32_t dir, unsigned char shortname
[11], unsigned char
casebyte, wchar_t *longname, unit **directory, int
index, unit **startdirectory, int *startindex)

Create a new file with the given shortname and longname in the directory of first cluster dir. Return -1 if unsuccessful and 0 otherwise. In the latter case, the newly created file takes the entries between startdirectory,startindex and directory,index.

The shortname is an 11-byte unterminated array, not an usual "FILENAME.EXT" string; argument casebyte allows the basename (0x08) and/or the extension (0x10) to be considered lowercase.

This function does not check or adapt the names; see FILE NAMES, below.

int fatcreatefilelongboth(fat *f, int32_t dir, wchar_t *longname, unit
directory, int *index, unit **startdirectory, int *startindex)
int fatcreatefilelong(fat *
f, int32_t dir, wchar_t *longname, unit
directory, int *index)

Create a new file with the given longname in the directory of first cluster dir. Return -1 if unsuccessful and 0 otherwise. In the latter case, the newly created file takes the entries between startdirectory,startindex and directory,index; the input value of these four parameters is ignored. The shortname is derived from the longname, and can be read by fatentrygetshortname(f, directory, index, shortname). In most cases, the program calls fatinvalidnamelong() and fatstoragenamelong() before this function (see FILE NAMES, below).

int fatcreatefilelongpathboth(fat *f, int32_t dir, wchar_t *path, unit
directory, int *index, unit **startdirectory, int *startindex)
int fatcreatefilelongpath(fat *
f, int32_t dir, wchar_t *path, unit
directory, int *index)

Create a new file from its path, starting from the directory of first cluster dir, or from the root if path begins with ’/’. Return -1 if unsuccessful and 0 otherwise. In the latter case, the newly created file takes the entries between startdirectory,startindex and directory,index. The shortname is derived from the longname, and can be read by fatentrygetshortname(f, directory, index, shortname). In most cases, the program calls fatinvalidpathlong() and fatstoragepathlong() before this function (see FILE NAMES, below).

A function similar to fatreferenceexecute() exists for long names. The difference is that the callback is run with three additional arguments that identifies the long name of the file, and never on deleted entries.
typedef int(* refrunlong)(fat *
f, unit *directory, int index, int32_t
, unit *startdirectory, int startindex, int32_t startprevious,
unit *
dirdirectory, int dirindex, int32_t dirprevious, wchar_t *name,
err, unit *longdirectory, int longindex, int direction, void *user)
int fatreferenceexecutelong(fat *
f, unit *directory, int index, int32_t
, refrunlong act, void *user)

Same as refrun and fatreferenceexecute(), but the callback receives three additional arguments:


name is the long name of the file; it is deallocated immediately when the callback returns, so if it is needed after the callback is returned (that is, at the end of the filesystem scan or just in the next callback run) it has to be duplicated via wcsdup(3); this parameter is NULL if the cluster reference does not point to a directory entry


err indicates whether some errors occurred during the conversion of the long file name; it should normally be zero


longdirectory,longindex is the first entry of the sequence that contains; it is NULL,0 if the cluster reference does not point to a directory entry

Also, the callback is not run on directory entries of long name parts and deleted entries: FAT_REFERENCE_ALL is silently ignored. However, the callback receives longdirectory,longindex; therefore, it can access the directory entries that contain the long name of a file.

void fatdumplong(fat *f, unit *directory, int index, int32_t previous,
recur, int all)

Print an indented summary of the filesystem starting from the cluster reference directory,index,previous. The dump is recursive if if recur is non-zero. To dump the whole filesystem pass NULL,0,-1 and recur=1. This includes the chain of clusters of each file and directory. If all is not zero, also the directory entries of the long file names are printed.

typedef void (*longrun)(fat *f, wchar_t *path, unit *directory, int
, wchar_t *name, int err, unit *longdirectory, int longindex, void
int fatfileexecutelong(fat *
f, unit *directory, int index, int32_t
, longrun act, void *user)

Run a callback on every file in the tree rooted at the cluster reference directory,index,previous. This function is similar to fatfileexecute(), but the callback receives the path and the file name, both as wide strings, and the longdirectory,longindex directory entry where the long name starts. Parameter err indicates whether an error occurred while converting the long name, and should normally be zero.

Going from a shortname entry to the start of the long name (if any) requires an inverse fat, since the start of the long name may reside in a previous directory cluster. This is why the following two functions have an inverse fat as an argument.
int fatshortentrytolong(fat *
f, fatinverse *rev, unit *directory, int
, unit **longdirectory, int *longindex)

Given a directory entry directory,index of a shortname, obtain the start of the long name longdirectory,longindex, if any. Return 0 if successful, -1 if the file does not have a valid longname.

int fatlongreferencetoentry(fat * f, fatinverse *rev, unit **directory,
int *
index, int32_t *previous, unit **longdirectory, int *longindex)

Move back the cluster reference directory,index,previous to the directory entry of the file and set longdirectory,longindex to the start of the long file. Return 0 if successful, -1 if the file has no long name, and -2 if the shortname directory entry could not be found (for example, the reference is to an unused cluster or to a cluster in the root directory).

int fatshortentrytolongname(fat *f, fatinverse *rev, unit *directory,
index, wchar_t **longname)

Determine the long name of a file from its short name entry. The resulting wide string longname has to be deallocated with free(3) when no longer used.

wchar_t *fatinversepathlong(fat *f, fatinverse *rev, unit *directory,
index, int32_t previous)

Return the complete path of the file containing the given cluster reference. The returned string is dynamically allocated, and should be deallocated with free(3).


The lookup and file creation functions do not check whether the file name or path is valid, nor they convert them in the form that is actually stored in the filesystem. The program is supposed to do it by calling the appropriate functions: fatinvalidname(), fatinvalidpath(), fatstoragename(), fatstoragepath(), fatinvalidnamelong(), fatinvalidpathlong(), fatstoragenamelong() and fatstoragepathlong().

Usually, this is to be done. For example, shortnames are stored in the filesystem in upper case; yet, the programs are supposed to find them even when the name passed to them is in lower or mixed case (these filesystems have case-insensitive names). This is accomplished by converting all names via fatstoragename() or fatstoragepath() before looking up a path or creating a new file. The same applies to long names, whose leading spaces and trailing periods and spaces are removed.

At the beginning of a path, the special forms CLUSTER:num (for short names) and cluster:num (for long names) mean to start from cluster num instead of the dir argument. Such path names are invalid since they contain the character ‘:’.


fat(5), fat_lib(3), libllfat.txt