

libllfat − a library to access a FAT12/16/32 at low-level


This man page shows how to do the basic operations on a filesystem. It is intended for programming, so the functionality that are most expected to be used in a program come first.

See libllfat.txt for an overview of the filesystem and the library, fat(5) for a brief description of the filesystem and fat_functions(3) for all functions in the library.

The code snippets in this man page are from the file fatexample.c in the sources.


For a normal access to the filesystem, when it is not expected to contain errors:

#define _FILE_OFFSET_BITS 64
#include <...>

char *devicename = "...";
fat *f;

f = fatopen(devicename, 0);
if (f == NULL) {
	printf("cannot open %s as a FAT filesystem\n", devicename);
if (fatcheck(f)) {
	printf("%s does not look like a FAT filesystem\n", devicename);
	printf("fix it (with dosfsck or similar) if it was\n");

Only programs aimed at fixing invalid filesystems may skip the call to fatcheck() or continue anyway.

The filesystem can be saved (flushed) at any time, and closed when no longer needed:

fatflush(f);			// save filesystem
if (saveornot)
	fatclose(f);		// flush and close filesystem
	fatquit(f);		// close without saving


Every file is represented by a pair unit *directory, int index. Such a pair allows for example to access the file name, attributes, content, etc. Such a pair can be obtained from the file path:

char *path;
size_t len;
wchar_t *wpath, *converted;
unit *directory;
int index;

path = ...			// path in the current locale

len = mbstowcs(NULL, path, 0);
if (len == (size_t) -1) {
	// invalid wide string
	// abort operation
wpath = malloc((len + 1) * sizeof(wchar_t));
mbstowcs(wpath, path, len + 1);
if (fatinvalidpathlong(wpath) < 0) {
	// invalid path:
	// abort operation
converted = fatstoragepathlong(wpath);
if (fatlookuppathlong(f, fatgetrootbegin(f),
		converted, &directory, &index)) {
	// file does not exist:
	// abort operation
printf("file found: %d,%d0, directory->n, index);

The pair directory,index obtained by this fragment of code allows most of the operations on files, as described in the next section.


Given the directory,index pair of a file, the file is accessed by a number of functions named fatentryget and fatentryset, followed by: size, attributed, time, firstcluster. The first cluster allows accessing (reading and writing) the file content, and is described in details in the next section.

The following fragment of code reads some file metadata and updates the read time to the current time.

struct tm tm;

printf("file size: %d\n", fatentrygetsize(directory, index));
if (fatentryisdirectory(directory, index))
	printf("is a directory\n");
fatentrygetcreatetime(directory, index, &tm);
printf("creation time: %s", asctime(&tm));
fatentrysetreadtimenow(directory, index);	// update read time


Each file is contained in a chain of clusters. Each cluster has a number of type int32_t. The number of the first cluster of a file is obtained by fatentrygetfirstcluster() and the following ones by fatgetnextcluster(). Given a cluster number, its content is obtained by fatclusterread().

To change the data contained in the cluster, obtain fatgetunitdata(cluster) and operate on it; then set cluster->dirty=1; the cluster will be saved by fatflush(f) and fatclose(f), but can also be saved immediately by fatunitwriteback(cluster).

unit *directory;
int index;
uint32_t size;
int32_t st, cl;
unit *cluster;
unsigned char *data;

// obtain directory,index: see section FIND A FILE, above

size = fatentrygetsize(directory, index);
st = fatentrygetfirstcluster(directory, index, fatbits(f));

for (cl = st; cl >= FAT_ROOT; cl = fatgetnextcluster(f, cl)) {
	cluster = fatclusterread(f, cl);
	data = fatunitgetdata(cluster);

	// operate on the data buffer, size is min(size, cluster->n)
	// if changed, set cluster->dirty=1 and call fatwriteback(cluster)

	size = size > (uint32_t) cluster->size ?
		size - (uint32_t) cluster->size : 0;

Changing the size of the file only requires calling fatentrysetsize() if the clusters containing it are not modified. Otherwise, some clusters need to be freed or allocated. This is explained in the next section.


A free cluster is obtained by fatclusterfindfree(f). It is appended to the file by:


fatentrysetfirstcluster(directory,index,new) if the file was empty;


fatsetnextcluster(f,last,new) if it was not, where last was the last cluster of the file.

The difference can be neglected if using a cluster reference, a triple directory,index,previous. At the beginning, this is the pair directory,index of the file with the addition of previous=0. Follow the chain by fatreferencegettarget() until the end of the file, then add the new cluster by fatreferencesettarget().

unit *directory;
int index;
int32_t previous, target, new;

// obtain directory,index as in FIND A FILE, above

new = fatclusterfindfree(f);

previous = 0;
target = fatreferencegettarget(f, directory, index, previous);
while (target != FAT_EOF && target != FAT_UNUSED) {
	// if required, obtain cluster=fatclusterread(f, target)
	// and operate on the cluster

	directory = NULL;
	index = 0;
	previous = target;
	target = fatreferencegettarget(f, directory, index, previous);
fatreferencesettarget(f, directory, index, previous, new);
fatreferencesettarget(f, NULL, 0, new, FAT_EOF);

Appending a further cluster does not require scanning the chain again:

previous = new;
new = fatclusterfindfree(f);
fatreferencesettarget(f, NULL, 0, previous, new);
fatreferencesettarget(f, NULL, 0, new, FAT_EOF);


This is obtained by first creating an empty file and then setting its attributes and content.

wchar_t *converted;
unit *directory;
int index;

// convert path as described in FIND A FILE, above

fatcreatefilelongpath(f, fatgetrootbegin(f),
	converted, &directory, &index);

// change file attributes via fatentryset___(directory, index, ___);
// append clusters as in APPEND CLUSTERS TO FILES, above


The number of the first cluster of the directory to scan is needed. This is fatgetrootbegin(f) for the root directory. For every other directory, it can be obtained by a lookup for the directory name. Either way, the first cluster is then read by fatclusterread() and the scan may begin.

The function fatnextname() changes its parameters to point to the next directory entry. Its return value tells whether the directory is finished. An example cycle for scanning a directory is:

unit *directory;
int index;
wchar_t *wpath = L"/example/dir", *name;

d = fatlookuppathfirstclusterlong(f, fatgetrootbegin(f), wpath);
directory = fatclusterread(f, d);

for (index = 0;
     ! fatnextname(f, &directory, &index, &name);
     fatnextentry(f, &directory, &index)) {

	// "name" is the name of a file in the directory /example/dir
	// can be operated upon via directory,index


Within the loop, the directory,index pair represents each file in the directory, in turn. It can be read or written as described in the previous sections.

In this example wpath is hardcoded in the program; the above section FIND A FILE explain how to obtain it from a string in the current locale. When scanning the root directory, d can also be obtained from fatgetrootbegin(f). During the scan, if one of the files is itself a directory it can be recursively scanned:

if (fatentryisdirectory(directory,index)) {
	d = fatentrygetfirstcluster(directory, index, fatbits(f));
	directory = fatclusterread(f, d);
	for (index = -1; ...) {
		// as above


The library allows executing a function on every file in the filesystem. Such a function must have a certain signature.
typedef void (* filerunlong)(fat *
f, wchar_t *wpath, unit *directory,
index, unit *longdirectory, int longindex, void *user)

A function to be executed on a file has this format: its arguments are the complete path of the file, the directory,index pair of the file and the void* structure passed to the following function.

void fatfileexecutelong(fat *f, unit *directory, int index, int32_t
, filerunlon act, void *user)

Execute "act" on every file. Pass directory=NULL,index=0,previous=-1 to execute on every file of the filesystem. For a different starting directory obtain directory,index by fatlookuppathlong() and add previous=0. Argument user is passed unchanged to the function "act".

As an example, the following program prints the complete path of every file in the filesystem, and its entry.

void printentry(fat __attribute__((unused)) *f,
		char *path, unit *directory, int index,
		void __attribute__((unused)) *user) {
	printf("%-20s ", path);
	fatentryprint(directory, index);

int main() {
	fatfileexecute(f, NULL, 0, -1, printentry, NULL);


In a FAT filesystems, clusters form chains. The number of the first cluster of a chain is obtained by fatentrygetfirstcluster(directory,index); given the number of a cluster, its next one is obtained by fatgetnextcluster(f, previous). This means that every cluster has its number obtainable from either directory,index or from previous. This is generalized as a cluster reference:

a cluster reference is a triple directory,index,previous

In other words, a cluster reference is something that points to a cluster; everywhere in the filesystem that contains the number of a cluster is a cluster reference.


a file directory,index has the number of its first cluster, and this is represented by the cluster reference directory,index,0


cluster n has a successor, and the reference to the successor is NULL,0,n

Appending a new cluster to a file is done by setting it as the first cluster in the directory entry directory,index if the file was empty, and setting the next of the last cluster last otherwise. The same can be done uniformly in the two cases with fatreferencesettarget(). In the same way, the first or next cluster can be found from a cluster reference via fatreferencegettarget().

Almost every used cluster in the filesystem has exactly one reference that points to it. The exceptions are: the first cluster of the root directory (not pointed from anywhere) and the first cluster of any directory (pointed from its "." file and from the ".." files in all its subdirectories). Also, the unused clusters are not pointed to by anywhere. The dot and dotdot files have to be taken care by software, but the other two cases are encoded as special cluster references.

The file directory,index; its target is the first cluster of the file.


A cluster; its target is the successor of "previous".


The boot sector; it points to the first cluster of the root directory in a FAT32 volume, and this is pretended to be the case also in FAT12/16.


The null reference is considered a pointer to all unused clusters.


A function can be executed on every cluster reference in the filesystem. This is done on cluster references rather than cluster numbers because this allows for more changes to be done. Indeed, the triple directory,index,previous allows deleting or moving the cluster that is the target of the reference, while number only allows changing the cluster content and its successor.

While a recursive scan can be programmed, it is easier to have the function fatreferenceexecutelong() to do it and rather concentrate on writing a function of type fatrefrunlong that only processes a single cluster at time. As an example, the function for counting the clusters used in the filesystem is implemented this way:

// structure that is passed between calls
struct fatcountclustersstruct {
	int32_t n;

// function that is executed on each cluster (callback)
int _fatcountclusters(...,
		unit *directory, int index, int32_t previous, ...
		int direction, void *user) {
	struct fatcountclustersstruct *s;

	if (direction != 0)
		return 0;
	if (fatreferenceisdotfile(directory, index, previous))

	s = (struct fatcountclustersstruct *) user;

	if (fatreferenceiscluster(directory, index, previous))


// run the callback on every cluster reachable
// from directory,index,previous
int32_t fatcountclusters(fat *f,
		unit *directory, int index, int32_t previous) {
	struct fatcountclustersstruct s;
	s.n = 0;
	fatreferenceexecutelong(f, directory, index, previous,
		_fatcountclusters, &s);
	return s.n;

A further benefit of programming by a cluster reference callback is that the same function can be used on a file, on a directory, on a chain of clusters or even on the whole filesystem. For example, fatcountclusters(f, NULL, 0, -1) calulates the number of clusters used in the filesystem; fatcountclusters(f, NULL, 0, 104) is the number of clusters from cluster 104 up to the end of the chain.


Many functions are or can be implemented via recursive cluster reference callbacks, so the mechanism is described in details. The signature of the callback and of the functions are:
typedef int(* refrunlong)(fat *
f, unit *directory, int index, int32_t
, unit *startdirectory, int startindex, int32_t startprevious,
unit *
dirdirectory, int dirindex, int32_t dirprevious, wchar_t *name,
err, unit *longdirectory, int longindex, int direction, void *user)

The callback that is run on every cluster reference.

void fatreferenceexecutelong(fat *f, unit *directory, int index,
previous, refrunlong act, void *user)

The function "act" is called on directory,index,previous and to every reference to a cluster reachable from it, recursively; for example, from NULL,0,-1 the callback is run on the reference to every cluster in the filesystem.

The effect of fatreferenceexecutelong(f, directory, index, previous, act, user), is that the callback act is run on these cluster references:


directory,index,previous and then on the reference to each following cluster in the chain, with direction=1; if this reference is not a file directory,index, or is a file but not a directory, nothing else is done


directory,index,previous, with direction=1; this is to signal it is entering the directory


recursively on each file in the directory; more precisely: for every directory entry subdirectory,subindex, the callback receives subdirectory,subindex,0


directory,index,previous, with direction=-1; this is to signal it is entering the directory


directory,index,previous and the reference to each following cluster in the chain, with direction=-2; this is for operations to perform on them after recursively visiting the directory itself

The callback is passed the following three references:
unit *directory, int index, int32_t previous

the cluster reference

unit *startdirectory, int startindex, int32_t startprevious

the cluster reference to the directory entry of the file this cluster belongs to

unit *dirdirectory, int dirindex, int32_t dirprevious

the cluster reference to the directory entry of the directory containing this file

In other words: a cluster is part of a chain; this chain belongs to a file that is contained in a directory. The callback receives a reference to the cluster, to the file and to the directory. For the last two, the callback receives the directory entry for the file or directory.

If the reference is a directory entry (as opposite to a cluster), by these same rules the second is the directory and the third is the parent directory.

The callback also receives the file name in name and also a related directory entry longdirectory,longindex which is only necessary if the file is to be deleted or renamed (fat_functions(3) has more details about this).

The last argument of the callback is the void* pointer that was originally passed as the last argument to fatreferenceexecutelong(); it contains data to be preserved between calls, and is in most cases a structure.

The callback manipulates the sequence of cluster references by its return value:

visit the following clusters of the chain


follow the original chain even if the callback changed the successor of the cluster


if the cluster reference is a directory entry of a directory, recursively visit its files


a directory cluster is deleted from the cache when done scanning its entries, if its refer field is zero; see BAD LUSTERS

In most cases, the return value is FAT_REFERENCE_NORMAL, defined as FAT_REFERENCE_CHAIN | FAT_REFERENCE_RECUR | FAT_REFERENCE_DELETE. If the callback changes the links between cluster it may add FAT_REFERENCE_ORIG. If running recursively depends on some condition s, return FAT_REFERENCE_COND(s). Return FAT_REFERENCE_DELETE to cut short execution.


A cluster reference is a pointer to a cluster. In many cases, the inverse link is needed: given a cluster number, find the reference that points to it. For example, to deallocate cluster n, one needs to know either its predecessor cluster (if this is not the first cluster of the chain) or the directory,index pair of the file (if this is the first cluster). An inverse FAT is a large array that contains the reference to every cluster, used or not.

If rev is an inverse FAT, then the reference to cluster n is rev[n].directory,rev[n].index,rev[n].previous. The inverse fat also has a field rev[n].isdir that tells whether the cluster is part of a regular file or of a directory.

For example, the inverse FAT allows finding the file a cluster belongs to, if any:

int32_t cl = 401;
fatinverse *rev;
unit *directory;
int index;
int32_t previous;

rev = fatinversecreate(f, 0);

directory = NULL;
index = 0;
previous = cl;
if (fatinversereferencetoentry(rev, &directory, &index, &previous))
	printf("cluster %d is in no file\n", cl);
else {
	printf("cluster %d is in file: ", cl);
	fatentryprint(directory, index);

fatinversedelete(f, rev);

An inverse FAT requires a scan of the entire filesystem to be created, and is a large data structure. If the operation to be performed only requires something to be done on every cluster in the filesystem, fatreferenceexecutelong() is faster and demands less memory.

Creating an inverse FAT may require some time and take quite an amount of memory. Therefore, if needed it is better to be created only once, and updated if the cluster structure is changed, rather than being created and destroyed for each operation that requires it.


Reading a cluster
A cluster can be read by cluster = fatclusterread(f, n); this function load the cluster and also stores in a cache, so that a further call to the same function retrieves it from memory. The variable cluster can be then used to access various data about the cluster. In particular: the size of the cluster is cluster->size, its content is fatunitgetdata(cluster). Various macros access a specific value inside a cluster: _unit8int, _unit8uint, _unit16int, etc.

unit *cluster;
int i;

// read cluster 45
cluster = fatclusterread(f, 45);
if (cluster == NULL) {
	// cluster cannot be read/created

// print content of cluster
for (i = 0; i < cluster->size; i++)
	printf("%02X ", _unit8uint(cluster, i));

Changing a cluster
Once read (or created, as explained below), the cluster can be written and saved to the filesystem.

_unit32int(cluster, 22) = -341245;		// 32-bit int at offset 22
_unit16uint(cluster, 90) = 321;		// 16-bit unsigned int at 90
cluster->dirty = 1;

fatunitdelete(&f->clusters, cluster->n);

Saving needs not to be done immediately. If a large number of clusters is planned to be changed writing and deleting when done with them may save from memory exhaustion; otherwise, fatflush(f) or fatclose(f) save all of them.

Creating a new cluster
A cluster can be read from the filesystem and then changed, but if the previous content is not important it can just be created as new in memory.

cluster = fatclustercreate(f, num);
if (cluster == NULL) {
	// the cluster is already in cache, so it may be used
	// by some other part of the code; if overwriting is
	// not a problem:
	cluster = fatclusterread(f, num);
	// otherwise, fail
if (cluster == NULL) {
	// cluster cannot be read/created
	// ...

All clusters
The data clusters are numbered from FAT_FIRST to fatlastcluster(f). Some may be used and some not. On a FAT12 or a FAT16 also FAT_ROOT is a valid, and is the only cluster of the root directory. Especially in this case cluster->size is important, because FAT_ROOT is often larger than the other clusters, and in general may also be smaller.

int32_t cl;
unit *cluster;

for (cl = fatbits(f) == 32 ? FAT_FIRST : FAT_ROOT;
	cl <= fatlastcluster(f);
	cl++) {

	cluster = fatclusterread(f, cl);

	// operate on cluster
	// size is cluster->size


The library does not contain any specific function for this task. The complication is that the type of a filesystem is not uniquely determined from the total number of sectors in the device/image, but depends on the number of sectors in each cluster, which can be chosen as a power of two between 1 and 128. Also the maximal number of entries in the root directory may sometimes affect the type of the filesystem.

These parameters can be entered into a structure created by f=fatcreate(), as well as a file descriptor in f->fd. The function fatzero() resets the filesystem as empty and closing causes it to be saved. The fatformat() function in the program fattool.c shows how this can be done.

	fat *f;

	f = fatcreate();
	f->devicename = devicename;

	f->boot = fatunitcreate(512);
	f->boot->n = 0;
	f->boot->origin = 0;
	f->boot->dirty = 1;
	fatunitinsert(&f->sectors, f->boot, 1);

	fatsetnumsectors(f, sectors);
	// insert the other parameters

	f->fd = open(f->devicename, O_CREAT | O_RDWR, 0666);
	if (f->fd == -1)
		// file cannot be created


A detailed description of all functions is in fat_functions(3). An overview of the FAT12/16/32 filesystems is in fat(5) and of the library is in libllfat.txt.